Letters I Never Sent Home from VIETNAM


Letters I Never Sent Home from Vietnam” by John Swatosh offers an unfiltered look into the psyche and experiences of a deployed United States Army soldier grappling with the realities of war. Through candid letters addressed to his parents, Swatoshreveals his inner turmoil and the realities of one of the most devastating conflicts in U.S. history.This collection compiles his experiences into a gripping historical narrative, capturing not just the battles fought, but also the friendships formed and the administrative struggles faced. Swatosh’s raw and open storytelling conveys the essence of love, loss, and longing for home, sharing both the joyous and the grim aspects of his journey. Entirely personal and remarkably honest, his letters tug at the heartstrings and reveal the innermost thoughts of a man at war. Join John Swatosh as he outlines his journey, inspiring all veterans to share their own stories.



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